Our Impact - Los Angeles County Animal Care Foundation

The Los Angeles County Animal Care Foundation has provided assistance to the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care in many ways. These include:

Impact Reports

2025 Impact Report

2024 Impact Report

2023 Impact Report

2022 Impact Report

Saving Unweaned Puppies and Kittens

The Foundation purchases foster care supplies for unweaned puppies and kittens who arrive at County animal care centers without mothers. These supplies consist of milk replacement formula and other neonatal supplies. They are issued to foster caregiver volunteers who raise these babies until they are old enough to return to an animal care center for adoption.

Animal Care Center Improvements

The Foundation has paid for many facility improvements to enhance the comfort of the animals. These include misting systems for use in the hot summer months; shade structures for outdoor animal housing and exercise areas; horse stabling and exercise pens; beds for dogs; and refurbishment of existing animal housing facilities to enhance animal well-being.

Adoption Program Enhancements

The Foundation supports the Department’s adoption efforts by paying for equipment and supplies for offsite adoption events; building areas where adopters can interact with animals; upgrading cameras to improve the photographs of adoptable animals; and purchasing new pet owner educational materials.

Animal Health and Well-Being

The Foundation supports animal health and well-being by purchasing grooming supplies, equipment and services to alleviate the discomfort and medical problems caused by matted and dirty coats; supplemental medications to treat illness; medical instruments and equipment to provide enhanced animal medical care; specialized surgical procedures performed by private veterinary specialists; flea and tick treatment and prevention products; and behavioral modification and stress reduction programs for animals;

Animal Cruelty Investigation and Response

The Foundation strongly believes in the swift investigation and prosecution of animal cruelty cases, and supports the Department in these efforts by providing investigation evidence kits and paying for extra medical treatments for animals rescued from abuse and neglect.

Spay and Neuter Programs

The Foundation partners with the Department and other supporters to provide low-cost spay/neuter programs for low-income pet owners. It also participates in animal surrender interception programs which provide education and resources to owners who are considering relinquishing their pets, thereby allowing the pet to remain in the home.

Staff and Volunteer Development

The Foundation enhances the care of the animals by subsidizing educational and training opportunities for staff and volunteers, thereby ensuring a well-trained animal caretaking work force.