Why It Matters
Research has shown that animal abuse committed by people usually progresses to abuse being committed towards humans later in life. Knowing this, the County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control employs well trained, sworn animal control officers to combat this disturbing illegal activity. In addition, a specialized division was developed to apply a more intensive focus on investigating animal cruelty, abuse, neglect and illegal fighting. It is called the Major Case Unit (MCU).

Keeping Our County Safe
Investigating animal cruelty is one essential component of the city and county’s public safety programs. Abused animals are victims of criminal activity, much the same as people are. Department officers investigate crimes against animals, interview suspects, collect evidence, write detailed reports, serve search warrants and present cases to the district attorney’s office. Animal cruelty can be anything from a pet left in a car on a hot day, hurting, torturing or neglecting an animal to neglect, such as not providing proper sustenance or illegal fighting. There are both state and local laws that, if convicted, can be applied in such cases, resulting in fines, jail time or both.