Gordo was a four-month old pit-bull puppy that had been reportedly thrown against a wall and repeatedly kicked by his former owner while under the influence of drugs. Gordo was brought to the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center in April 2012 by his previous owner’s partner, when she could no longer bear to allow her partner subject Gordo to abuse.
Upon arriving to Baldwin Park, the medical staff found that Gordo had suffered a fractured “elbow” and needed to undergo surgery to repair the injury. Such a surgery was far beyond the scope of the resources of shelter medicine. In fact, the surgery was beyond the scope of the average veterinary hospital. Under the skillful direction and care of the staff at the Westminster Veterinary Group, Gordo received the badly needed surgery to his repair leg.
Gordo was such a special puppy, he spent much of his prolonged recovery in the home of the Westminster Veterinary Group staff that provided his care. Under their watchful eye, he recovered wonderfully and he was adopted into his furever home in June 2012.
The Dreams Come True program was able to provide a means by which generous donors–and their were MANY — could donate money to pay for the specialized medical care that Gordo needed.